你并不孤单! 不要在沉默中受苦! Reach out!
寻求帮助可能是一个挑战! 在det365手机版官网, we recognize students often encounter challenges in their family, work, and personal lives that can impact the fulfillment of academic goals. 我们致力于学生的成功. det365手机版官网 has a Professional Counselor available to assist students with a wide range of personal concerns such as:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- 自卑自卑或自我价值感低
- 压力管理
- Grief
- 自杀的想法
- Co-dependency
- Addiction
The Counselor can assist students in exploring the best options available to ensure personal success. This is accomplished in a non-judgmental supportive environment and may include an initial assessment, 以短期解决方案为重点的咨询, and when necessary a request for emergency services or referral to an appropriate program in the community. All counseling sessions are confidential according to HIPPA guidelines except in the event an individual discloses intent to harm themselves or others.
个人心理咨询 Services are available through the Academic Support office located in Bldg. A. 或联系Tanya Lance M.Ed., LCMHC, LCAS to schedule an appointment, 910-755-7324 or lancet@mountaintope.com
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 Free 24-hour hotline available to anyone in crisis
If there is an emergency after hours or you are in distress call 911.
了解更多关于 Title IX
我们推出了一项新的心理健康服务,叫做 TalkCampus. It’s a free to app for use in talking with other students from around the world if you’re struggling and worried about your mental health. 您的学生电子邮件地址将使您免费访问. 只需从应用商店下载TalkCampus即可.
TalkCampus是匿名的. det365手机版官网 can’t see if you are using it, nor can you see where other students are from. TalkCampus is based around peer support; you can both receive and offer help.
平台是安全的, moderated and is designed as a place where you can just be yourself and talk about how you’re really feeling. Student life can be tough and we know sometimes you might not want to talk to us about how you’re feeling. TalkCampus isn’t a replacement for counseling or professional support but is a great place to start talking and to make sure that however you’re feeling right now, 你并不孤单.
Community & 在线资源
http://nccommunitycolleges.auntbertha.com/ Aunt Bertha – Free access to the largest closed-loop referral network for social services in the U.S.-按邮政编码搜索
不伦瑞克县 http://affordablehousingonline.com/housing-search/north-carolina/brunswick-county
新汉诺威县 http://affordablehousingonline.com/housing-search/north-carolina/new-hanover-county
Al-Anon & Ala-teen www.al-anon.alateen.org
匿名戒酒互助社 http://aa.org
区域间集团章910-794-1840 www.wilmingtonaa.org
全国精神疾病联盟 www.nami.org
世界麻醉品匿名服务处 http://na.org
Transgender Support Group- Delta行为健康, 1606 Physicians Dr. #104 910-343-6890
Vet Center Readjustment Counseling Services- 10:00-11:00 am Meeting room at Leland Community Park, 位于乡村路1490号. 东北,利兰,北卡罗莱纳州910-577-1100
恐惧角心理 www.capefearpsych.org 910-763-8134
卡罗莱纳咨询中心 www.carolinacounselingcenter.com 910-762-9083
沿海的视野 www.coastalhorizons.org 910-754-7949
沿海东南联合护理 www.cseuc.org 910-755-5222
Delta行为健康 www.deltadbt.com 910-343-6890
NAMI: http://nami.org/collegeguide
三一健康中心 www.thetrinitywellnesscenter.com 910-343-8424
Trillium健康资源 www.trilliumhealthresources.com 24小时护理服务 & 危机服务877-685-2415
Equality NC http://equalitync.org
全国lgbt青年谈话热线:800-246-PRIDE (7743)
GLBT National Help Center: National non-profit organization offering free peer counseling, information, 本地资源. 888-843-4564
北卡罗来纳骄傲 www.ncpride.org
PFLAG of Wilmington/Cape Fear: Uniting people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, 酷儿(LGBTQ)和家庭, friends, and allies. pflagwilmington@gmail.com
国家LGBT老龄化资源中心 www.sageusa.org
爱是尊重:使命是参与, educate and empower young people to prevent and end abusive relationships.
Chat at www.loveisrespect.org 文字爱到22522 打电话给1-866-331-9474
North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCCADV):http://nccadv.org
北卡罗来纳州反性侵犯联盟(NCCASA): http://nccasa.org
Pandora’s Project: A nonprofit organization dedicated to providing information, support and resources to survivors of rape and sexual abuse and their friends and family. http://pandys.org
Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN): The nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. 24/7 FREE. Confidential. Secure. http://www.rainn.org 希望800 - 656 (4673)
沿海的视野 Rape Crisis Hotline: 910-754-7949 (Brunswick) 910-392-7460 (New Hanover)
Active Minds: Nonprofit organization supporting mental health awareness and education for students. http://activeminds.org
正确饮食:营养与饮食学会. http://www.eatright.org
Youth Engaged Change: Empowering you to improve your life and the world around you. http://engage.youth.gov
大学女生. Health. Our Way.: Developed by Brandeis University college students for college students everywhere. www.4collegewomen.org/
Mental Health.gov:我们来谈谈. Resources, support and information about Mental Health Problems. http://www.mentalhealth.gov
The American Institute of Stress: Transforming stress through awareness, education and collaboration. http://www.stress.org
美国心理学会: http://www.apa.org
如果你有任何问题,请联系坦尼娅·兰斯 lancet@mountaintope.com.